Scheduling too many viewings per day is analogous to eating more than you can chew. After a few initial viewings, the information that you can retain about a house becomes less and less. The reason being is that houses have more important aspects to remember than a majority of items you will buy in a lifetime. Try spreading the viewings out into a good pace if possible.
Spending time touring a home that does not look like the pictures. Listings depend on good or exaggerated pictures to draw as many potential buyers to the open houses or private showings. However, if it is not something you would even consider buying, don’t waste your time touring the home because there are plenty of houses worth seeing. You will never get back your time spent if you continue to tour houses that are simply in bad condition. The best option is to move on as this is a business transaction, and you are under no obligation to be accommodating to the sellers agent giving the full tour. Value your own time more and leave.
Revealing too much about yourself and intentions. If you love the house and must have it at any price, don’t let the seller or seller agent know. If you came into new found money such as an inheritance or winning the lottery, don’t let the seller or seller agent know. Allow yourself room for negotiations by not showing your hand before purchase price negotiations start.
Bringing too many people to the initial house viewings. This is your purchase and a hone where you will be living in the future, it is best that you absorb as much about the real estate property without distractions. After the first viewing and if you like it, then it is a good idea to invite an extra set of eyes to accompany you to the second viewing for possible opinions about the house that you may have missed by yourself. Regarding bringing kids and pets to viewings, it is best to leave them at home with a sitter.
Forgetting your checklist at home. Having a checklist in hand helps you focus on the important things of the house, and not get swayed by the nice staging of the house that may be hiding its shortcomings such as needing a new roof. House hunting for the uninitiated is not as easy you did think unless you have already seen over 20 houses and really know what you are looking for.